Puja has received numerous awards at The Portrait Masters Awards in both the Contemporary Portrait and Family Portrait category. As a photographer specializing in portraits, it's an immense honor to receive this recognition as photographers from all around the world participate with submissions ranging from over 6500 images & are judged by the worlds Top Portrait Photographers/Industry Experts who are considered as the masters in the portraiture industry.
Puja was recognized as one of the Top 5 Finalist for 2018 Mompreneur® Momentum Award by her peers and the business community for her work at the National Mompreneur Awards, an organization that recognizes the hard work & dedication of women in business.
This year over 1,200 women were nominated all across Canada out of which 205 entrants advanced to the next level & after accumulating points based on support from over 90,000 public voters and 30,000 supporters, as well as impression ratings from a selection committee, the finalists were chosen.